during the start life is so weird
living in the start is not a problem
the problem is how to get used to the inbetween
during this start life is becoming so different
I'm watching this start from above
as well as I can be under
just because I'm never on the spot
everyone is different, every life has differences
every life becoms different itself,
changes r everywhere even if u cannot see them,
to the start into the far inbetween
the inbetween is so far away,
because this start is a real change,
and seems to never end
everywhere I go,I get caught walking on circles,
as I am right now,
this is some sort of non-sense ride..
but I'm going on this road,
spinning so fast in the beginning,
and just wishing to slow down...
(on a changing mood - september/october 2004 - starting "my" course...)